Sockapalooza socks completed

Yay, we have a FO to report. The socks are finished and are going through the wash. I expect to mail them out tomorrow to the intended recipient. I only hope my sock pal loves her sock as much as I do. Now I don’t want to let them go.

Here are the socks:

And another shot without me attempting to model them and having no one else at home to take a picture:

Yarn used: Lang Jawoll superwash (wool/cotton/nylon)
Pattern: Clover Lace Rib (from Sole Solutions Sock Challenge ’03, in a .pdf file)
time elapsed to knit: 1 month, maybe 1.5 months to knit

These socks were made out of Lang Jawoll superwash, the socks’ fiber compilation was of wool, cotton and nylon. I’d been concerned about knitting these socks as I knew the yarn was a little finer than most sock yarns I use, which isn’t a problem, it just means that I’m lazy. I’ve perfected the art of sock-knitting for myself and on most yarns (i.e. Regia and Trekking), I can get away with making socks on sz 1.5 needles, which is preferred. I love Opal socks, but hate knitting them on sz1 needles, it just seems like it takes longer. It probably doesn’t, but still that’s what it feels like. The Lang Jawoll, I knew would require me knitting on size 1s too. But I did enjoy it, really liked the sock pattern I used (will probably use it again) and overall like the socks, so much so, that I don’t want to give them up, but I hope my sock pal does like them since she mentioned she didn’t like earth tones, no maroon or browns, so I think this will do the trick.

And another project which isn’t at FO status just yet, is the Sirdar Breeze tank top. I’m mostly finished, since I took most of the weekend picking up stitches around the neck and for the armholes too and sewed up the side seams. I’ve woven in a few ends, but there are still more to do. Weaving ends just sucks eggs, but I’m going to try to suck it up and finish. Hopefully a finished pic tomorrow. Here is a picture of it, just to show you that I have been doing some knitting and finishing anyway.

And of the super-secret knitting variety, here’s the progress on the Not-So-Shrunken Marilyn Cardigan from Wendy that I was helping to test-knit. Far from being done, but I am under the armpits now, but kind of tired on knitting on the dk-yarn for a bit, so I’m going to work on a lace scarf as a brief interlude and then go back to this project.
shrunken in progress 090905

And something I neglected to mention, that one of my SP angels, Courtney really brightened my spirits last week when she let me know that as my final SP gift, she sent in a donation in my name to the Hurricane Katrina victims. That is truly awesome and thanks again Courtney!

Till next time . . .

1 Comment »

  1. Jen Said:

    Your socks are very pretty! Nice work!

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